向世纪挑战基金会捐款是一项重要的个人决定. 给予的满足感来自于你知道你在为别人的生命投资 从十大娱乐彩票平台教育中受益的个人、企业和社区.
在我们给出的选项中提供的信息可能是有用的,但你不应该考虑 它是法律或税务建议. You should contact your attorney, tax advisor or accountant 有关详细信息,.
请用支票或汇票付款,收款人为:大都会社区学院 基金会
Mail contributions to 世纪挑战基金会 at the following address:
Metropolitan 社区 College 基金会
密苏里州堪萨斯城64111请使用我们的 礼品表格(英文) for mailed donations and/or pledges.
To make a contribution using your credit card, you may 在线捐赠. We accept Discover, MasterCard and Visa. If you prefer to make a contribution over the phone, please contact us at 816.604.1195.
配合礼物是公司捐赠的与所作捐献相匹配的捐款 由他们的员工,从而使员工的礼物的价值翻倍或三倍.
如欲了解贵公司是否参与配对礼品计划,请联络贵公司 human resources or community relations department for a matching gift form. 然后, send it along with your gift to 世纪挑战基金会.
艺术品、书籍、汽车、设备和家具都被认为是礼物 tangible personal property and feature attractive 税收优惠. 如果你感兴趣的话 如欲捐赠个人财产,请致电816与世纪挑战基金会联系.604.1195 欲知更多详情.
如果你有兴趣做一个礼物的赞赏土地或其他房地产给 世纪挑战基金会, please contact us at 816.604.1195. Gifts of property provide attractive 税收优惠. You can avoid paying capital gains tax and in some cases, receive a tax deduction for the full value of the gift.
希望以人寿保险作为礼物来支持十大娱乐平台排行榜的捐赠者将不胜枚举 优势. Contact the 基金会 for assistance.
计划捐赠是指对房地产资产进行慈善捐赠的过程 一个非营利组织. This requires consideration and planning in light of the donor's overall estate plan.
计划捐献的安排需要一位合格的专业人士的协助 顾问完成. Because of the size and potential impact of such gifts, a donor should consult with an advisor before completing the process.
捐赠者通常希望建立一个以他们的家庭或地方命名的捐赠基金 的业务. Regular endowments may be started with a first gift of $10,000.
Relatives and friends often remember loved ones with contributions to memorial funds. 这尤其适用于那些与十大娱乐彩票平台或 世纪挑战基金会.
另一种受益于大都会社区学院的方式是通过雇主的匹配 礼品项目. Many employers will match any charitable contributions by their employees. If your company offers a matching gift, please fill out the form (英文) and return it by mail, fax or email to the following:
电子邮件: 十大娱乐平台排行榜.foundation@十大娱乐平台排行榜kc.edu -
一份特别的礼物可以送给扶轮基金会,以纪念一个特别的事件 生命或他人的生命. 给予的行为 这是一种非常周到的方式来记录一个特殊的场合并记住需求吗 在大学里.
所有基金会的特别活动和活动提供个人和团体 赞助机会. 赞助 will offer a variety of ways underwriters 捐赠者可以得到认可.
遗产礼物提供了一个极好的机会,让人们记住学院. 捐赠者可以利用各种遗产规划机会,从遗赠 终身收入礼物. Click here to learn more about making a planned gift and becoming a member of the 十大娱乐彩票平台 Legacy Society.
Employees may sign up to make donations through 扣减工资(英文).
An in-kind donation is a gift of goods and services. In-kind goods and services are 通常是你的组织必须购买的商品和服务 它们不是捐赠的. The value of the donated supplies or services may be recorded as the amount that your organization would have to pay for similar items.
大大小小的遗赠对十大娱乐平台排行榜产生了持久的影响. 对于许多十大娱乐彩票平台的校友和朋友来说,慈善遗产是最简单和最好的方式 给学院做一份礼物. By means of your will or other estate plan, you can 指定中冶集团为您的部分遗产或特定资产的受益人 你的财产. Many of the most powerful gifts with an enduring impact have been bequests.
There are many reasons to make a bequest. A bequest allows you to honor a loved one 同时通过奖学金基金或其他方式为学院提供重要支持 fund underwriting research and teaching.
现在,以遗产的方式赠予是不花钱的,但它可能会给你带来很大的满足感 to know that your future gift will live on.
十大娱乐彩票平台 receives a specific dollar amount from 你的财产.
十大娱乐平台排行榜接收特定资产,如证券、房地产或有形个人资产 property (for example, works of art or antiques).
在付款后,十大娱乐彩票平台将收到您剩余遗产的全部或部分 of any specific bequests and expenses.
十大娱乐彩票平台被指定为您的个人退休账户或合格养老金的剩余部分的受益人 或利润分享计划.
You can establish an 十大娱乐彩票平台-managed trust or annuity through a bequest. 这使 你可以安排一份税收明智的礼物,将收入支付给你的配偶、孩子或其他人 受益人终身或一段时间,之后资产转移给十大娱乐平台排行榜.
A lead trust can be established through a bequest. 十大娱乐彩票平台 receives income for a term 从信托开始算起的几年,之后资产通常会转移给你的受益人 以大大减少的税收成本.
遗产协会认可那些向大都会社区致敬的捐赠者 上大学是他们最后的愿望. They have strong ties to the College and want their 遗产将继续. Legacy Society members have an everlasting impact on students 谁参加十大娱乐彩票平台. There are no levels in the Legacy Society. 会员资格属于人民 向十大娱乐彩票平台基金会提供计划捐献所需的文件,包括:
- Provision in their will or revocable trust
- 终身收入赠与(慈善年金赠与、慈善信托或慈善余款) 领导信任)
- 退休计划
- Life insurance policy beneficiary designation
- Life estate gift (remainder interest in real property)
我们可以帮助您定制的建议,看看哪个计划的礼物最好 meets your philanthropic and financial goals. If you are planning to designate 十大娱乐彩票平台 in your will, our official bequest language is:
“我,[姓名],[城市,州,邮政编码],给予,设计并遗赠给大都会社区 大学基金会,联邦税号51-0181875,[书面金额或百分比 the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose."
知名度取决于你是否喜欢宣传,邀请活动或愿望 保持匿名.
Establishing an annual or endowed scholarship
Do you want to make a difference in someone's life? Prepare Kansas City's future workforce? Support a Metropolitan 社区 College scholar! You can fund a scholarship in your name, the name of your business or in honor or memory of a loved one.
Please make your check payable to Metropolitan 社区 College 基金会.
Mail contributions to 世纪挑战基金会 at the following address:
Metropolitan 社区 College 基金会
密苏里州堪萨斯城64111请使用我们的 礼品表格(英文) for mailed donations and/or pledges.
该基金会是一个501(c)3非营利组织,由美国联邦税务局确定和定义 国税局. It is structurally separate from the College. Metropolitan 社区 College 基金会's taxpayer identification number is 51-0181875. 世纪挑战基金会存在 完全是为了十大娱乐平台排行榜的利益,作为私人礼品的首选渠道 书院范围. All gifts to the 基金会 qualify for the maximum allowable 依法扣除. Donors should consult their tax advisor to determine the tax deductibility of any gift as it relates to their situation.
配合礼物是公司捐赠的与所作捐献相匹配的捐款 通过他们的员工,从而使最初的礼物的价值增加一倍或三倍. To 了解你的公司是否参加了配对礼品计划,联系你的联系人 resources or community relations department for a matching gift form. 然后发送 along with your gift to the 基金会.
只要把礼物寄给世纪挑战基金会,并附上一张纸条,告诉我们你是谁 荣誉和场合,如果有的话,他或她被授予荣誉. 包括这个人的姓名、地址、电话号码以及你的,这样我们就可以正确地 感谢礼物. If you're having trouble finding the perfect gift for someone special, consider a gift to 世纪挑战基金会. We often receive gifts in honor of a birthday, anniversary or retirement.
如果是纪念礼物,请告诉我们死者的姓名,死亡日期和 the name of the family member to whom notice of this gift should be sent. 我们很高兴 to acknowledge gifts made in honor or memory of individuals. 如果你把名字发给我们 还有地址,我们很乐意给获奖人发一封感谢信 或家庭. No mention of the dollar amount of the gift will be made.
如果你有兴趣向世纪挑战基金会捐赠证券,请 请致电816与基金会联系.604.1195 or 十大娱乐平台排行榜.foundation@十大娱乐平台排行榜kc.edu.